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(中科) Data Scientist Engineer

As the data scientist, you'll join the AI/Big Data Analytics program/projects related to FDC (Fault Detection and Classification)、Process Measurement data, etc., to build the model or algorithm for driving business value from data insights. Perform new strategies or solution in run-to-run process control, fault detection and classification, predictive analytics (Prognostic and Health Management, etc), and virtual metrology enable improvements in yield, quality, and manufacturing efficiency.


1. Design, implement and build high quality machine learning prediction models/systems for various business applications.
2. Machine Learning and predictive analytics projects include feature engineering, model building, algorithm development.
3. Processing, cleansing, and verifying the integrity of data used for analysis.
4. Build high quality machine learning prediction models/systems for various business applications.
5. Advanced ability to perform Exploratory Data Analysis and knowledge of statistics.
6. Ability to visualize data in the most effective way possible for a given summary.



科系要求:數學及電算機科學學科類(全部) │ 數理統計相關 │
語言能力:英文 中級    

1. Experience with Machine Learning, Statistical Modeling, model/algorithm building of the practical application.
2. Familiar with programming languages like Python, R or SQL.

3. Familiar with git and related development flow (eg. gitflow, CI/CD) is required.
4. Experience on database (Oracle, MS SQL, impala, etc) for data acquisition.
5. Experience on constructing http API with Python on Django framework.
6. Experience on Angular/Devops/MLops.
7. Master's degree in Computer Science/Engineering


‧ 獎勵制度:華邦之星獎金、特別獎金、營運績效獎金、員工酬勞、獎勵基金、專利獎金
‧ 團體保險:提供完善之團體醫療保險制度,包含定期壽險、意外保險、住院醫療險及癌症險,保障對象不僅包含同仁本人,同時也擴及同仁的配偶及子女
‧ 休假制度:為促進同仁工作與生活的平衡,華邦電子提供優於勞基法的樂活假制度,鼓勵同仁安排休假多與家人及朋友分享休閒時光
‧ 育兒補助:為響應政府鼓勵國人生育,提供同仁親生幼兒較佳之扶養,同仁到職滿一年後享有新生子女每月補助6,000元,補助至子女滿4歲止
§ 徵才聲明
‧ 華邦致力遵守國內勞動法規及「負責任商業聯盟行為準則」(Responsible Business Alliance,簡稱 RBA),塑造一個安全無歧視的工作環境。華邦禁止任何形式的歧視、性騷擾及不人道對待員工,並且尊重應徵者自由選擇職業及員工自由結社的權利。
‧ 華邦重視員工的權利及健康,落實禁用未滿15歲(或未完成義務教育年齡)之人員從事工作,並遵守法令對15歲以上之員工及女性員工提供相關保護措施。華邦不因人種、膚色、年齡、性別、性傾向、性別認同及表達、種族或國籍、殘疾、懷孕、信仰、政治立場、團體背景、退伍軍人身份、受保護的基因資料或婚姻狀況等在招聘及實際工作中歧視員工,或因此而影響工資、晉升、獎勵和受訓機會等,且不讓員工或準員工接受帶有歧視性的醫學檢驗或身體檢查。
‧ 我們禁止苛刻和非人地道對待員工,包括任何形式的性騷擾、性侵犯、體罰、精神或身體壓逼或是口頭辱罵;也不得威脅進行任何此類行為。此外華邦為員工提供適當的場所進行宗教活動。
‧ 為符合勞工健康保護規則規定,凡進入甄選最終階段者,請配合於約定日期前4個工作天以前完成體格檢查作業,且經本公司審查適合從事所應徵之工作,方符合錄取資格。

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